General Information

Full Name Hayeon Kim
Languages English, Korean


  • 2023-(2024)
    M.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering
    Seoul National University
    • Multimodal Generative AI (Text, Image, 3D), High- Dimensional Generative AI (<8K images, Video, 3D, 4D), Low-level Vision using pre-trained model (restoration, segmentation)
  • 2018–2023
    B.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering
    Seoul National University

Work Experience

  • 2021
    BlueSignum Inc.
    • DailyBean App iOS development and involved in planning the detailed concept of the app.
    • Impact - The App ``DailyBean" is selected as the App of the day in the global AppStore.
    • Your Counseling Center App Product management

Additional Experience

  • 2022
    Metaverse Developer Competition -- Ministry of Science and ICT, Korea
    • vocAR App development
    • Developed and designed a comprehensive mobile application utilizing cutting-edge AI techniques, including image classification, text recognition, and augmented reality.
  • 2021
    Beyond Limit - Samsung Industrial Research Project
    • Develop Variational quantum linear solver - Improvement in Variational Quantum Algorithms by measurement simplification using Python & Mathematica
    • Refactoring naive quantum simulator - Refactoring the whole structure of naive quantum simulator by using Python
  • 2020
    XCORPS - Practical Issue Research Contest
    • Speech Split - Developed specific code to decomposed the input speech into pitch, identity, rhythm and content using PyTorch, and optimized them for voice personalization.
    • Creating Homepage - Designed the overall homepage and implemented responsive website with JavaScript, HTML and CSS5.

Honors and Awards

  • 2022
    • Excellence Awards at Metaverse Developer Competition in Ministry of Science and ICT of Korea.
  • 2022
    • Excellence Awards at Engineering Department Creative Design Fair in Seoul National University.
  • 2020
    • Excellence Awards at XCORPS competition in Practical Issue Research.
  • 2017
    • Grand Prize at R&E competition in Korea Foundation for the Advancement of Science and Creativity.

Academic Interests

  • Multimodal Generative AI.
    • Text, Image, 3D Point Cloud generation
  • High-dimensional Generative AI.
    • ~8K images, Video, 3D, 4D
  • Low-level Vision using pre-trained model.
    • Image restoration with fine-tuning, Image segmentation using CLIP